Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Coach 3D drawing by CATIA

One of the project for the CATIA was draw a 3D coach.
it's included internal and external drawing.

I am using sketch tracer to insert blueprint.
then separate into difference body while drawing the bus.
the body included dashboard, seat, exterior design, internal, tyre and etc.

Thursday, April 26, 2012





Archived Academic Dean List Award (4.00/4.00)

Received Silver Medal on UTeMEX 2012 (UTeM Expo)
  • Intelligent Haptic Steering Design


Archived Academic Dean List Award (3.50/3.50)

Participated in SOLIDWORK Let’s Go Design Skills Competition 2011

Student Representative Council Committee 09/10
  • Exco of Student Welfare And Volunteering

Organizing Committee of “Pesta Convo UTeM 2010” (Convocation Festival)

President of Chinese Cultural Society 09/10


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Project- CAD surface drawing- Car Surface

This project is to draw a car surface model by using CATIA
(click to enlarge to photo)

This design is draw by using CATIA,
Firstly i use Sketch Tracer to put the blue print inside the design.
Then I use Freestyle and also Generative Shape Design for the surface.
Besides, use Part Design to generate some of the parts.

reference model: Nissan GTR

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate Certificate

I had took my AutoCAD 2012 Certified Associate test on 13 February 2012.
Before the test, we need to attend a 2 weeks course.
This course make me more understand about the AutoCAD software.
and my basic for AutoCAD is become better.

following is the result for the AutoCAD 2012 Certifified Associate Test:

Monday, October 10, 2011

Champion Rapid Prototype Car Model Design

At 11 October 2011, 
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering had organized a Design and Innovation Day.
One of the category is Rapid Prototype Car Model Design.
5 people in 1 group.
Total participate teams is 20 teams.

This model i done by using CATIA drawing, 
make it into solid,
then convert into stl file.
followed by use 3D printer fabricated.

At last, my team emerge as the champion team.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) & Rubber mold product

At Year 4 Semester 1,
for the rapid prototyping subject. 
my group are fabricate a car model.

Firstly, we need to fabricate a car model using FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) machine.
after that only fabraicate another one using Rubber mold.
Car Model by rubber mold

Car model by rubber mold

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gantry Robot Prototype Design

At April 2011, a prototype gantry robot is designed to study on design of freedom.
the following is the design of the gantry robot with 6 movement.

This is the original pose of the design.

 First movement
First movement of the gantry robot is moving to the left or right at horizontal direction by using servo motor.
1.      Second movement
The arm can be moving down by rotating it down by using rotary cylinder.
Third  movement (optional)
If the length is still not long enough, we can extend the arm by rotating another arm which link to the first arm, this movement is rotate by rotary cylinder
Forth  movement
Next movement is moving upward or downward by using pneumatic cylinder.
 Fifth movement
Then the gantry robot can be moved to front to touch the object by pneumatic system.
Sixth movement (optional)
For the best coverage of place, the arm of the gantry robot is also available for horizontal rotating so it can touch wider range even the handle is slide to the side at maximum, this movement is rotate by rotary cylinder

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Design Day 2010- 1st Runner Up- Intelligent Water Pump

On 27 October 2010...
Department of Design and Innovation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, UTeM organized a Design Day for all the course student.

Overall of the competition got around 26 groups.
and my project name Intelligent Water Pump...

this purpose of the Intelligent Water Pump is make use of green technology.
we are not using electricity to generate water pump..
but continuous kinetic energy from water by a Archimedes Screw.

Simulate photo
physical out look

and this project can success to get 1st Runner Up in the Design Competition.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Organizing Chairperson of UTeM Spring Festival 2010

Chinese Cultural Society UTeM organize a UTeM Spring Festival 2010 (or commonly called Pesta Ang Pau) at March, this event got 2 part which is Carnival and Cultural Night. And i be the organizing chairperson for this 2 event, total committee involve is 158 people included.

For the Carnival, it held at 3rd of March 2010, in Student Club Center which open to all UTeM students, and the activities included foods, stalls, games and exhibition, to let the student know more about the Chinese cultural and having some fun.

Next the cultural night held on 6th of March 2010, this event participate by more than 700 students from UTeM and some from other university. This event is mainly on the cultural performance, we have the cultural corridor as the 1st part of the event, which means that will let the participant walk around to feel the cultural like Chinese Tea, Chinese Orchestra, Chinese Furniture, Chinese Art and other, then we have the show on the main door like "Che Ling", Lion Dance, Quiz and others. Next will be the stage performance on the stage like Chinese Cultural Dance, 24 Seasons Drum, Chinese Orchestra Performance and other.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Name     : TAN BOON TAT
Age      : 22
E-mail   : t8a8t8@hotmail.com
hometown : Ipoh, Perak.

hobby : swimming, volleyball, drawing and event organizing.

favourite movie type : relaxation and funny

favourite food : non spicy and localize

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Champion CATIA project- 4 in 1 impact wrench

14 October 2009, it is Hari  Rekabentuk dan Inovasi Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of UTeM, our class have been selected to take part with our design with CATIA software.

The theme of this competition is based on environmental friendly, so that me and my group member decided to design a new invention which can save the energy. After a few discussion and brain storming, we decided to design a product name 4 in 1 impact wrench which can wrench the 4 sockets at once.

Because we are second year, so we just present our concept and the design on a banner, together with the power point presentation to explain the product.  There is total of 21 groups compete together in this CATIA design competition. At the end of the competition, after 3 judges judge all the product, our product has been awarded as the champion of the competition.